A number of RCH congregations sustain close relations with churches in different countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Scotland, the United States and Korea.
There are many ways to develop and sustain relationships with others in the world church. Twinning of local congregations is the most inspiring means of connection. Some basic traits of the RCH's identity as a community of local congregations, include the conviction that local communities are fully church, and also the awareness that they are a part of Christ's universal Church. Consequently, thinking broader, going overseas and developing faith-based partnerships in whatever form is an inherent part of the congregational life. For the RCH's congregations, as "border-crossing" communities challenged by the new era of rushing political and social changes, establishing grassroot level partnerships is a deep aspiration.
Twinning is an inspiration and a chance for mutual learning and sharing. It is an opportunity to broaden one's horizon through the witness of others – members of the same worldwide Reformed family. We mature in faith by giving and receiving. Living in the same situations (remote, rural or urban congregations – diaspora situations within their own country), sustaining the same or similar ministries (Roma, racial justice and multiculturalism, church revitalization, youth work, diaconia) have proved to be an additional encouragement for congregations to create a partnership affiliation.
Choosing to develop a relationship with a congregation or presbytery abroad is a serious commitment. It is one that needs careful thought and preparation at the local level. "What do we want to gain from a partnership?" and "What can we give to a partnership?" are the two most fundamental questions to answer.
The following twinning form aims to help you in answering basic questions, and to encourage and strengthen you in your commitment to seeking a twinning relationship. Whether a personal exchange or a prayer partnership, it does not matter. You are welcome.