The Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) at its general assembly on 16th October elected RCH’s nominee, Ms Angela Canadey, as substitute member of the new Executive Committee. Dóra Kanizsai-Nagy, head of RCH’s Refugee Ministry, who served as vice-moderator and ExCo member for two terms retired from the governing body.
The Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME) held its general assembly on 16th October. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic the assembly was held in a written format. The Christian Council of Norway and the Armenian Roundtable Foundation were accepted into the membership of the CCME. The assembly also approved the budget for 2021 and prolonged the existing CCME work programme 2017-20 until 2021. It is the intention to meet face to face in 2021 to decide on a multi-annual work programme and new statues/constitution.
The assembly also elected a new ExCom (board) for the period of 2020-23. Prof. Dr. Goos Minderman (nominated by the Dutch Council of Churches) was elected moderator (chairperson) and The Most Senior Apostle Adejare Oyewole (Unification Council of Cherubim and Seraphim Churches) was elected as Treasurer. The assembly also elected the Very Reverend Archimandrite Fr. Iakovos Andiopoulos (Church of Greece), OKRin Sabine Dreßler (EKD Germany), Ms Dana Gavil (AIDRom), Ms. Fiona Kendall (Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy) and Deacon Ulla Siirto (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland) as ExCom members. Bishop Gulti Francis-Dehqani and Rev. Dr. Serofosa will continue to represent respectively CEC and WCC on the ExCom.
Ms. Angela Canadey (RCH) and Mr. Saji Varhese (Indian-Malankara-Orthodox Church in Irealnd) were elected as substitute members.
In her reference, Angela wrote: ‘In 2005 we had to flee from Pakistan […] and God brought us to Hungary. In 2006 we moved to Budapest and started our own home fellowship, The Cristian Asian Fellowship, […] where other refugees could join us and somehow the word of God could reach them. It was a great opportunity to connect with them in their own mother tongues. We would visit the refugee camps regularly with a team of other church members who were willing to serve among refugees. During our visits […] we arranged some fun activities for the camp members. During my years in Hungary I was able to learn the Hungarian language at a level that I could join the Immigration Office as an interpreter which gave me furthermore experience in the field of working with refugees. Working with Kalunba previously was an addition and gave me a fuller picture of how do NGOs run and how one can be an efficient member in assisting refugees in their everyday life. I am looking forward to newer opportunities in this field as this is what I have been doing all my life.”