Let the Gospel Shine!

Pentecost Message

Bishops and Lay Presidents of the Hungarian speaking reformed churches in and around Hungary sent out a message of consolation and inspiration at Pentecost. The General Convent also remembered of the Day of Unity of the Hungarian Reformed Church.

“The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life.” (John 6,63)


The words of Jesus Christ, through God’s Spirit, create life: new and eternal life. God is the God of life who, in Jesus Christ, conquered death, and granted us salvation, redemption, and hope in all circumstances. This hope invites us to live each and every moment of the present in the certainty of final fulfilment. The Spirit of God makes the redeeming words and deeds of Jesus Christ alive and active in us, in the community of the Church, and through us in the world. The Spirit of God guarantees that what we can grasp in this world - in its many troubles and struggles - only by faith, will be ours in its complete fullness. It is this hope that gives our lives meaning, a sure direction, an unambiguous runway even in the wealth produced by freedom. Therefore we bear witness at all times to the Lord of life, the risen Jesus Christ.

Our witness at Pentecost will be visible in how we praise the Lord of life for the experience of his saving grace even in times of great difficulty and trial. In our bowing and worshiping the Lord, there is thanksgiving as well as confession of sins and the supplication:

"Lord, we don’t ask you to give us back our old life, but implore you to grant us new life, so that the Gospel may shine in our faith, in our life, in our unity, in our service!"

Our Pentecost testimony is a confession of faith that the world is in need of the risen Jesus Christ who has come that we may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10).

Our Pentecost inspired witness is a prayer of intercession for those who are saddened in their heart, mourn, have been sick, afflicted by the pandemic; and for those who have been serving in healing and leading beyond strength. Lord, grant us your strength, comfort, liberation and solution; have mercy on us!

This Pentecost is also the Unity Day of the Hungarian reformed community. In the centuries-old, never broken, spiritual unity of faith of the Hungarian reformed community in the Carpathian Basin, we pray for one another, for the joy of being able to meet in person again, and in this unity we pray not only for our own sake, but for all of us; for the whole world. The Spirit of God rejoices us, gives us life and a courageous heart!