The Teacher Plays a Prophetic Role in Communities Where Children Grow Up


Mária Molnár: Hungarian Missionary and Martyr

Molnár Mária diakonissza

Meeting of the General Synod

1106 Zsinat 1. nap, szavazás (f.Hurta Hajnalka)

The Outstretched Arms of Jesus Christ


CEC Panel on Peace Dialogue in Ukraine

CEC logo-new2

Gathering of Synod Members of the Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe

GEKE Synod members_1

"We Do Not Have Subordinates or Supporters, but Our People"

Harangozó László eskütétele. Püspökszentelés Bácsfeketehegyen 2023 október 14. - Fotó: Zelenka Attila

Reconciliation, Cooperation, Dialogue

pannonhalmi ökumenikus szimpózium 2023 - f.: Bella Violetta

Let there be peace! - Statement of the Reformed Church in Hungary


Standing Together in Faith

Erd Prayer Photo 5

The Hungarian Reformed Church Aid Helps in Morocco

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